Why FFT matters to undergraduates?

Posted at — Nov 14, 2017

Above: Live graphics created for a music set at Pimp the Chateau, France, December 2009. Click anywhere on the page to pause / play. Music Maison Kitsune.


In my third year of grad school, I decided to gather up all the good people I had met so far. A close group of friends and I brainstormed ideas about what would make an event special. We decided it needed an identity. This is how the Pimp the Chateau series was born, and the graphics above were created.

These are a typical application of what undergraduate applied mathematics can do, I thought it was worth sharing, for others to create their own, and for other applications than live audio stream processing. Perhaps can it stimulate interest in Processing - an amazing project and library for visual arts - and its recent port to javascript, named P5.js. If this blog post resonates with you in anyway, I warmly recommend the following documentary on the visual arts revolution that Processing started: HELLO WORLD! Processing.

So here we are, this blog post is about how to build a custom equalizer with P5.js. What we will do next is:

You can also - just - jump to code.

Some undergraduate mathematics

We first need to define what an equalizer is. And while the early XIX’s century surely was not busy thinking about those things, we shall start with talking about Joseph Fourier. If you know what a Fast Fourier Transform is, or wish to skip our history bubble, scroll to the next section.

Joseph Fourier is the father of a method used to decompose square integrable functions into an infinite series of exponential functions: the Fourier transform. It was originally published in 1822 when J. Fourier was studying heat transfers. Because it makes it easier to study phenomena involving waves - and with it signal processing, electro magnetism, mechanics, differential equations - the Fourier transform is undoubtedly one of the most important discoveries of the XIX’s century.

In essence, one transforms a function $f: t \to f(t)$ of time to a function $\hat{f}: \omega \to \hat{f}(\omega)$ of frequencies. The animation below - credit wikipedia - shows that mapping for a function defined as the sum of six sinusoids.


Numerically, Fourier transforms are approximated with finite series, see for instance these lecture notes. Each coefficient of the approximated series corresponds to the amplitude of a given frequency. That is our equalizer. Numerically, one needs an efficient way to compute this approximated series, and while javascript may not be the best candidate for doing so, the sound library of P5.js provides us with an implementation. To dig a bit deeper, here are two more references:

What is an equalizer ?

An equalizer can be defined as a sequence of discrete Fourier transforms on an audio stream. Rephrase: an equalizer is a list of amplitudes for specified frequencies - bass, treble - at different time steps. The following algorithm should therefore get us started:

- For each time step,
- - sampledAudio = Sample(audio stream)
- - amplitudes, frequencies = Fourier Transform [sampledAudio]
- - display(amplitude, frequencies)

In the algorithm above, the display function is where you can get creative. The Fourier transform will give us a list of amplitudes. This can be mapped to a color or transparency scheme, for example. For the frequencies, we are looking for a spatial map, from a list to another data structure.

Let’s take the grid showed in the example at the top of this page. Frequencies are listed from the bottom left corner to the top right corner. We map indexed frequencies from $1, \ldots, N$ to a position $(i,j)$ on the grid which reflect this bottom-left-to-top-right logic.

So, given sampled amplitude and frequencies, what would an API for this Grid look like ? We need some sort of initialization to create the grid, first based on number of rows and columns, then optimized to fit our canvas size. Then we need an equalize routine, which will display the frequencies on the grid. In javascript, this would look something like this:

function Grid(num_rows, num_cols){
  this.initialize = function(canva_width, canva_height){
    this.create_grid(canva_width, canva_height);
    this.mapping = new Mapping();
  this.equalize = function(frequencies){

There are many different mappings of array to matrix that one can build. And curiously enough, it seems that this Grid object naturally raises questions that beg to be asked in interviews, typically for quants or data engineering positions. Here are a few:

Ok, we have all the elements to start coding. Have a look at the reference page for P5.js if you need more verbose.

Equalize with P5.js

For your canvas to load in your html page, make sure you have the P5.js libraries locally, and that these are correctly included. These are needed to manipulate the DOM and process the sound stream. Your P5.js code goes in a sketch.js file. Your html should look like this:

<div id="canvas-div-id">
  <!-- your sketch goes here -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/p5.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/p5.dom.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/p5.sound.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/sketch.js"></script>

Processing sketches are organized in three main parts: preload, setup and draw. The two first routines are used to set up your canvas. The function draw is the one called at every frame processing. You can set a particular frameRate to draw a specific number of frames per seconds. So, the skeleton of your sketch.js should look like this:

function preload() {
function setup(){
    const canva_width = ...;
    const canva_height = ...;
    var canvas = createCanvas(canva_width, canva_height);
function draw() {

The canvas.parent('canvas-div-id') is used to inject your canvas to a particular div-id in your html. Because we are manipulating audio, the preload function will need to fetch your music and background files. Note that the audio stream can also be replaced with a microphone input, so the stream is actually LIVE.

function preload() {
    soundFormats('ogg', 'mp3');
    soundStream = loadSound('/assets/club3.mp3');
    background = loadImage("/assets/FLY00.gif");

The setup routine specifies the FFT input and creates the grid.

function setup(){
    ... // as above

    fft = new p5.FFT();

    var cols = 12;
    var rows = 8;
    grid = new Grid(rows, cols);
    grid.initialize(canvas_width, canvas_height);

The draw function calls our grid.equalize on top of the background image. For completeness:

function draw() {
    image(background, 0, 0)

That’s it! Is only missing the implementation of the Grid object. I suggested an API above, feel free to write your own implementation, adapt, or copy this sketch.


Processing is an amazing framework for prototyping visual arts with code. The community around the project is vast, see for instance this online series of tutorials at hello processing - and the creativity used in the applications of the library is outstanding. We have seen in this post that 50 lines of code give you dynamic graphics generation based on an audio stream. Imagine what you can do with a 100 lines !!!